Preprint No. A-99-14

Ehrhard Behrends, Olga Katkova, Anna Vishnyakova

A note on $l^p$-norms

Abstract: Let $x_{1},\l,x_{n}$ and $y_{1},\l,y_{n}$ be nonnegative numbers. If the $l^p$-norm of $(x_{1},\l,x_{n})$ coincides with that of $(y_{1},\l,y_{n})$ for $n$ different values of $p>0$, then the $x_{i}$ are a permutation of the $y_{i}$. This generalizes a well-known algebraic result which concerns the exponents $p=1,\l,n$. Some consequences as well as some generalizations to infinite sequences and to functions are also discussed.

Keywords: $l^p$-norm, Dirichlet series, sign change, M\"untz-Szasz theorem.

Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC91): 46B25 Classical Banach spaces in the general theory

Language: ENG


Contact: Behrends,Ehrhard; Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Arnimallee 2-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany (

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