O. V. Besov – Citation for Honorary Life Membership in ISAAC

October, 2006



Professor O. V. Besov is an outstanding Russian mathematician whose name is well-known in the world of Analysis. It suffices to recall "Besov spaces" named after him which are widely used in real analysis (especially in the theory of function spaces, the interpolation theory and the approximation theory), partial differential equations (especially in the theory of boundary value problems), numerical methods and other mathematical dicsiplines.


Besov spaces were introduced in the sixties of the twentieth century and allowed O. V. Besov to give a complete description of the traces of functions in Sobolev spaces.


For further fourty years he, together with many other mathematicians throughout the world, continued investigation of these and other related spaces and obtained a number of seminal results, which were partially summarised in the famous book by the three authors O. V. Besov, V. P. Il'in, S. M. Nikol'skii "Integral representations of functions and embedding theorems".


O. V. Besov is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, works at the Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow) for more than fourty years and is currently the head of the department of the theory of functions of that institute, works part time as a professor of the department of mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (also for more than fourty years), is a member of the editorial boards of several journals.


He has published more that 100 papers, was awarded a number of prizes, was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Nice, 1970), a plenary speaker at many international conferences, in particular at the 5th Congress of the ISAAC.


V.I. Burenkov