BMS Sommerfest

Friday afternoon will be special! Martin Bridson's talk will take place next to the 'Gasometer' on the EUREF campus in Berlin-Schöneberg (see map).

After his talk all participants are invited to the 'BMS Sommerfest' at the same location.

There will be busses taking you from the ZIB-Hörsaal to the EUREF campus. In order to plan your trip home: The next S-Bahn station is 'Berlin-Schönefeld' 'Berlin-Schöneberg' (sorry, typo!), which is within 5 minutes walking distance.

Second beer night on Tuesday, June 19

The second beer night will take place on Tuesday, June 19, 2012. There will be groups leaving from the tutorial to Bergmannstraße in Berlin-Kreuzberg. For more information please see under Social Activities.

Opening Meeting

We hereby invite you to the 'Topology and Groups - Berlin 2012' Opening Meeting on Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 7 pm. Further information can be found under Social Activities.

Schedule, titles, and abstracts

We have now put up a detailed schedule for the summer school and titles and abstracts for the two weeks. Also note that we have a couple of new speakers at the conference.

Registration closed

Now both the registration for the summer school and the registration for the conference are closed.

Summer school registration closed - Conference registration still open

Since the capacities of our venue are limited we have now closed the registration for the summer school. It is still possible to register for the conference.

Registration deadline

Since the capacity of the venue is limited, we ask everybody who is interested in these events to register as soon as possible. In case you are a graduate student or young postdoc and would like to apply for financial support, please do so before Friday, March 16, 2012.

Summer school and conference poster

If you would like to put up information about our event at your department, please click on a thumbnail below to download the official summer school and conference poster.

Topology and Groups - Berlin 2012 Topology and Groups - Berlin 2012

Registration open!

Finally our webpages are online. Please have a look at the summer school and conference section.
If you would like to attend please go to the Registration page.

Please also send the link to this webpage to anyone who might be interested.

We hope to see you here in Berlin in the summer!
Holger Reich

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Summer School and Conference at Freie Universität Berlin

June 18 - 22, 2012, Summer School
June 25 - 29, 2012, Conference

Venue:     Zuse Institute Berlin
Supported by:

Berlin Mathematical School
Berlin Mathematical School
SFB 647: Raum - Zeit - Materie
Topology and Groups - Berlin 2012
is a satellite event of the
6th European Congress of Mathematics

6th European Congress of Mathematics
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