
The six summer school lecture series will be accompanied by tutorials. The first tutorial will be on Monday at 16:40 in the main lecture hall.

The tutors are

Yael Algom-Kfir
Jim Conant
Tibor Macko
Wolfgang Steimle
Yang Su
Marco Varisco
Richard Wade

The tutors will be around during the whole summer school week and will help you with any kind of mathematical questions concerning the lectures. In case you want to contact them via e-mail use the following address:

Summer School and Conference at Freie Universität Berlin

June 18 - 22, 2012, Summer School
June 25 - 29, 2012, Conference

Venue:     Zuse Institute Berlin
Supported by:

Berlin Mathematical School
Berlin Mathematical School
SFB 647: Raum - Zeit - Materie
Topology and Groups - Berlin 2012
is a satellite event of the
6th European Congress of Mathematics

6th European Congress of Mathematics
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