Copyright Conditions

From MATH. LOGIC you can read or download the chapters 6 and 7 (including title-sheets, Index etc) of my text book

Einfuehrung in die Mathematische Logik

as regards the revised english translation of this book,

An Introduction to Mathematical Logic,

you can read online the front & back matters and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, all in PDF. These are readable online with links at the left-hand side on my website.

ATTENTION: This book or parts of it are strictly copyrighted. A download is permitted only if you look for bugs or other mistakes and contact me via email to the addres below.

The links Tools for the HP48 and HP49/HP49+, and to a large extend also the URL below contain the latest versions of my tools for the HP48 and the  HP49/HP49+. These versions may be more actual than those on or other international sites. Hence, downloading from here should be prefered. Most of the HP49/HP49+ software has been updated recently. No time is left to do the same with the HP48-software though much could be ported from the HP49.

I make no warranty of any kind with regard to the software or documentation, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. I shall not be liable for any error or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the supply, performance or use of my software and its documentation. Permission to copy programs or documents is granted provided that copies are made for personal use only and not distributed elsewhere. Use of the original programs or parts of it in elsewhere published tools is allowed only with my written permission.

Please e-mail for critics or suggestions to

Wolfgang Rautenberg